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N. 5
- Lino Banfi, Il pugliese più simpatico d’Italia
- 2019 – Taranto “Città Capitale Europea della Cultura”, perchè no?
- La crisi avanza, si rivedono le cambiali
- Martino Scialpi, tredicista ostinato
- Padre disperato: “le istituzioni mi diano risposta immediata”
- Puglia, musica, cinema e tv; perfetto matrimonio a quattro
- Progetto cucina mancina Lorenza Dadduzio:“Ecco cos’è”
- Paola Raisi Iacovone: “oggi sono pronta a prendere per mano il Taranto ed i Tarantini”
- Quando arriva la menopausa
At Ritmo’s 12:08 post re penis size, there is the Canadian Professor Phillipe Rushton who has actually done reesarch on penis size by racial categories–I suppose there might be a way to cross walk his data into MBA categories–but on the other hand, who really cares? I bring up the point only to suggest that indeed, penis size has been studied by some.I wouldn’t be surprised if someone has, and I wouldn’t be surprised if MBAs (or anyone else with the appearance of “prestige”) showed some other marker of testosterone. (I, myself, am unconcerned about the size of my own member as it has caused neither me nor any of my lovers any distress. Although it has caused increased interest. I mention this only because Palladian seems to have an, er, rather personal interest at stake, as I might also – if I had neither an at least adequate-sized member or – and this is important – other redeeming values besides).But this gets us to something else. I think every species will compete on the basis of which testosterone-linked traits the males exhibit, and to the extent that penis size, physical strength, or other attributes that allow one to out-compete, these might matter. But so do other traits that enhance the overall viability of the species as a whole, regardless of which gender the female gives birth to. And thus, an unimaginative woman might simply choose the guy with the most steroids or evidence thereof. And a smarter woman will choose traits in a man that will benefit all of her offspring, regardless of their gender. But Palladian’s a homosexual so maybe that sort of an analysis doesn’t register so easily with him. And hence, his fixation with a cartoonish stereotype of virility that could have just as easily come from an episode of Happy Days or an Archie comic strip. I’m only speculating here but it’s no less plausible than any of the bullshit he comes up with.